Sewing School „Zszywalnia”
We are eco. We teach sewing.
Our philosophy
We turn thought into creations.

We are aware of our own body, its needs – those related to aesthetics and physical and mental comfort. We know that it matters to our body what fabric we touch and what fabric touches us.

Eco fashion
Eco fashion has become a part of life. There is a social responsibility behind it. We are increasingly aware that whatever we do has an impact on the environment.

A new meaning
Before we buy new, different, "better" ones, we wonder if we really need it. Before we throw it away, we wonder if it is possible to use this thing differently.

We love to process, to give a new meaning where it seems that it's gone. We are passionate about machine and hand sewing.
For the love of nature, we sew.
Out of passion — we teach sewing.

Program of our courses:

Developing manual skills and imagination
We help to develop manual skills and imagination, see the potential of fabrics and already existing clothes.

Skill-matched courses
We offer original courses for children and adults of various levels of advancement and various topics. We pass on the basics and secrets of tailoring craftsmanship. We teach the basics of tailoring, cutting and modeling specific types of clothing.

We teach how to be a conscious fashion consumer who knows how to benefit the environment. With us, you will look with greater awareness at yourself and within yourself.
What makes us different?
Jesteśmy firmą wpisaną do Rejestru Instytucji Szkoleniowych. Współpracujemy z Urzędem Pracy i realizujemy kursy kroju oraz szycia przy współpracy z Bazą Usług Rozwojowych (rozliczane bonami). Zainteresowani mogą zgłaszać się do Urzędu Pracy do Działu Szkoleń w celu uzyskania bonu na kursy realizowane przez naszą Szkołę lub bezpośrednio do nas.
Machine facilities
Very good machine facilities and full equipment with sewing accessories, haberdashery accessories and fabrics. During the courses we work on professional and the latest sewing and embroidery machines.
We have many years of professional experience in the field of education, sewing, construction, modeling and clothing design.
Small groups
Classes are conducted in small groups.
W ramach projektu Małopolski pociąg do kariery - sezon I, uczestnicy mają możliwość otrzymania dofinansowania naszych kursów w wysokości 90%. Więcej informacji na stronie:
3 series of courses:
Sewing courses
We share tailoring knowledge
Sewing Studio
We design fashion: we construct,
we model and sew and teach,
how it is done.